Advanced computational tools for quantitative analysis of protein–nucleic acid interfaces

In Advances in Protein Molecular and Structural Biology Methods , 163--180, 2022

Authors: Sunandan Mukherjee, Chandran Nithin


Protein–nucleic acids interactions, which involve the binding of protein with RNA or/and DNA molecules, play crucial roles in many biochemical pathways. Experimental studies of these biomolecular interactions are important to understand the mechanistic details of their functions. Different in vitro and in vivo assays, high-throughput methods, and high-resolution structure determination techniques enrich our knowledge of molecular biology, cell development, and mechanisms of various diseases. However, experimental determination of protein–nucleic acid interactions is often difficult, time-consuming, and sometimes impossible. Various structural information, including those from direct experiments as well as their interpretation, are available for protein–nucleic acid complexes in the form of databases. Different groups have used the experimental data to train and validate different prediction models. Here we present a comprehensive overview of different tools and databases encompassing different realms of protein–nucleic acids interactions.

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