Structure prediction of linear and cyclic peptides using CABS-flex

Briefings In Bioinformatics, 25, bbae003, 2024

Authors: Badaczewska-Dawid Aleksandra, Wróblewski Karol, Kurciński Mateusz, Kmiecik Sebastian


The structural modeling of peptides can be a useful aid in the discovery of new drugs and a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of life. Here we present a novel multiscale protocol for the structure prediction of linear and cyclic peptides. The protocol combines two main stages: coarse-grained simulations using the CABS-flex standalone package and an all-atom reconstruction-optimization process using the Modeller program. We evaluated the protocol on a set of linear peptides and two sets of cyclic peptides, with cyclization through the backbone and disulfide bonds. A comparison with other state-of-the-art tools (APPTEST, PEP-FOLD, ESMFold and AlphaFold implementation in ColabFold) shows that for most cases, AlphaFold offers the highest resolution. However, CABS-flex is competitive, particularly when it comes to short linear peptides. As demonstrated, the protocol performance can be further improved by combination with the residue–residue contact prediction method or more efficient scoring. The protocol is included in the CABS-flex standalone package along with online documentation to aid users in predicting the structure of peptides and mini-proteins.

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